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September 08, 2006

New draft of paper: "On Grasping the Whole Quine: Lessons from Kim's Critique"

This is a rewritten version of an earlier posted paper, which I am now submitting to journals. Here is the abstract:

This paper evaluates Jaegwon Kim’s influential critique of Quine’s naturalized epistemology and urges that a proper critique must evaluate the fundamental principles of Quine’s philosophy. Kim argues that Quine forces a false choice between traditional deductivist foundationalism and naturalized epistemology, contending that there are viable alternative epistemological projects. But Quine would reject these alternatives by reference to the same fundamental principles (underdetermination, indeterminacy of translation, extensionalism and behaviorism) that led him to reject foundationalism. Understanding Quine’s fundamentals also helps to defuse Kim’s charge that naturalized epistemology is inadequate or incoherent to the extent that it dispenses with epistemic normativity.

Posted by Ben at September 8, 2006 06:48 PM
